Friday, February 22, 2013


1. “Life eternal is to live in unity, in families, with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Eternal life is only possible through the keys of the priesthood of God, which were restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith.”

Eyring, Henry B. "Help Them Aim High." General Conference. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. UT, Salt Lake City. Oct 2012. Speech.

2. “Be certain you are creating a rich environment in which your family can look forward to special times of the year when traditions hold you together as a great eternal family unit.”

Perry, L. Tom. "The Tradition of Light and Testimony." Ensign. Dec 2012: n. page. Web. 22 Feb. 2013. < worship>.

3. “According to the great plan of happiness, it is goodly parents who are entrusted with the care and development of Heavenly Father’s children.”

Perry, L. Tom. "Becoming Godly Parents.." General Conference. LDS Church. Oct 2013. Address.

4. “Parents must resolve that teaching in the home is a most sacred and important responsibility.”

Perry, L. Tom. "Becoming Godly Parents.." General Conference. LDS Church. Oct 2013. Address.

5. “Teaching in the home is becoming increasingly important in today’s world, where the influence of the adversary is so widespread and he is attacking, attempting to erode and destroy the very foundation of our society, even the family.

Perry, L. Tom. " Mothers Teaching Children In The Home.." General Conference. LDS Church. Apr 2010. Address.

6.  “The family is the foundation for love and for maintaining spirituality. The family promotes an atmosphere where religious observance can flourish.”

Cook, Quinton L. "Can Ye Feel So Now?." LDS General Conference. (2012): n. page. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. <>.

7. “We feed His lambs in our homes by how we live the gospel: keeping the commandments, praying, studying the scriptures, and emulating His love.”

Hales, Robert D. "Being a More Christian Christian." LDS General Conference. (2012): n. page. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. <>.

8. "Let your love of each member of your family be unconditional. Where there are challenges, you fail only if you fail to keep trying!"

Kimball, Spencer W. "Families Can Be Eternal." LDS General Conference. Oct 1980: n. page. Web. 9 Apr. 2013. <>.

9. "There are no perfect families, either in the world or in the Church, but there are many good families. My spiritual applause also goes to those heroic parents—left alone by death or divorce—who are righteously and “anxiously engaged” in nurturing and providing for their families, often against such heavy odds."

Maxwell, Neil L. "“Take Especial Care of Your Family”." LDS General Conference. Apr 1994: n. page. Web. 9 Apr. 2013. <>.

10. "In the healthy family, first and best, we can learn to listen, forgive, praise, and to rejoice in the achievements of others. There also we can learn to tame our egos, work, repent, and love."

Maxwell, Neil L. "“Take Especial Care of Your Family”." LDS General Conference. Apr 1994: n. page. Web. 9 Apr. 2013. <>.

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